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Last active September 9, 2024 14:11
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  1. jeremyyeo revised this gist Nov 8, 2023. 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
    2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
    Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
    @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
    ## Freshness checking models instead of sources with dbt
    ## Freshness checking models instead of sources

    dbt has a function to [check the freshness]( (i.e. how up to date) of a particular source. That functionality is reserved exclusively for sources and not models - i.e. if you tried to apply source freshness on a model like you would a source:

  2. jeremyyeo revised this gist Oct 25, 2023. 1 changed file with 3 additions and 1 deletion.
    4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion
    Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
    @@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ models:

    You will find that neither `dbt source freshness` nor `dbt test` will actually do any "freshness checking" of our `foo` model above. Fortunately, dbt does however does provide the flexibility to an end user to create their own [generic tests]( that they can then apply to models. Let's see if we can create a generic test that closely achieves the outcome of what source freshness checks do.
    You will find that neither `dbt source freshness` nor `dbt test` will actually do any "freshness checking" of our `foo` model above. One of the motivations for that is because in any dbt project, raw data normally will come in as sources - and then in your models you start transforming the data by selecting from those raw data sources - essentially if your source data is fresh - there is really no reason why you'd want to "freshness check" your models as well. Of course, given that dbt is basically just a jinja + sql compiler - the sky is the limit to what users usually attempt to do with it.

    Now, while the built in source freshness checks are for sources only, dbt does however does provide the flexibility to an end user to create their own [generic tests]( that they can then apply to models. Let's see if we can create a generic test that closely achieves the outcome of what source freshness checks do.

    Since this is a more advanced topic - there's a couple of key things to understand here.

  3. jeremyyeo revised this gist Oct 25, 2023. 1 changed file with 2 additions and 2 deletions.
    4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
    Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
    @@ -240,6 +240,6 @@ $ dbt build

    As we can see:
    * Any test that we wanted to have failed - has failed.
    * Any test that we wanted to have warned - has warned.
    * Any test that we wanted to have failed, has failed.
    * Any test that we wanted to have warned, has warned.
    * And any test that we wanted to have passed, has passed.
  4. jeremyyeo revised this gist Oct 25, 2023. 1 changed file with 2 additions and 2 deletions.
    4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
    Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
    @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Since this is a more advanced topic - there's a couple of key things to understa
    1. By default, a dbt test will result in a fail if the test selection includes at least 1 record.
    2. Also by default, a dbt test will not emit a warning - it is always fail or not fail (i.e. pass).
    3. It is possible to configure the severity of a generic test - such that a test emmits a warning if there are X records and fails / errors if there are Y records (
    3. It is possible to configure the severity of a generic test - such that a test emits a warning if there are X records and fails / errors if there are Y records (
    4. Critically, it is important to understand that a normal generic test (the built in ones like `not_null`, `unique`, etc or one that a user writes themselves) is testing for the "number of rows" in order to emit a certain severity (fail/warn/pass). This is not the same as for the out of the box source freshness checks where it is not so much concerned with the "number of rows" but rather checking that the max timestamp of a certain column exceeds some error or warning threshold. All this is to say, the code paths that "decides" the status of a generic test is completely different to the code paths that "decides" the status of source freshness check (these are after all, not a "test" but it's completely own thing).
    5. To replicate a source freshness check - our generic test will need to support 3 types of freshness configs:
    * Only `warn_after` is configured.
    @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ The general idea here is that, for test that have both `warn_after` and `error_a
    * If the test exceeds only `warn_after` threshold - our test selection returns 1 row.
    * And 0 rows otherwise.

    Note that we make use of the [`warn_if` / `error_if` test configurations]( as well.
    Note that we make use of the [`warn_if` / `error_if` test configurations]( as well in order to emit the right status (fail/warn/pass).

    Let's now build our models and run our tests and see the outcome.

  5. jeremyyeo revised this gist Oct 25, 2023. 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
    2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
    Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
    @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
    ## Source freshness checking models instead of sources with dbt
    ## Freshness checking models instead of sources with dbt

    dbt has a function to [check the freshness]( (i.e. how up to date) of a particular source. That functionality is reserved exclusively for sources and not models - i.e. if you tried to apply source freshness on a model like you would a source:

  6. jeremyyeo revised this gist Oct 25, 2023. 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
    2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
    Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
    @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
    ## Source freshness checking models instead of sources
    ## Source freshness checking models instead of sources with dbt

    dbt has a function to [check the freshness]( (i.e. how up to date) of a particular source. That functionality is reserved exclusively for sources and not models - i.e. if you tried to apply source freshness on a model like you would a source:

  7. jeremyyeo revised this gist Oct 25, 2023. 1 changed file with 6 additions and 1 deletion.
    7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion
    Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
    @@ -237,4 +237,9 @@ $ dbt build
    10:00:21 compiled Code at target/compiled/my_dbt_project/models/schemas.yml/freshness_foo_should_warn_48__hour__updated_at__12__hour.sql
    10:00:21 Done. PASS=10 WARN=2 ERROR=2 SKIP=0 TOTAL=14

    As we can see:
    * Any test that we wanted to have failed - has failed.
    * Any test that we wanted to have warned - has warned.
    * And any test that we wanted to have passed, has passed.
  8. jeremyyeo revised this gist Oct 25, 2023. 1 changed file with 183 additions and 1 deletion.
    184 changes: 183 additions & 1 deletion
    Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
    @@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ For the purposes of our replication, we will set it up so that:
    * The model freshness checks will warn if the timestamp exceeds 12 hours.
    * The model freshess checks will pass otherwise.

    > This is tested on Snowflake only.
    First, let's setup our dbt project.

    @@ -51,8 +53,188 @@ models:
    And these are the 7 models that we will be using to test all our conditions and combinations of conditions:
    -- models/bar_should_fail_with_erro_config.sql
    -- models/bar_should_fail_with_error_config.sql
    select current_timestamp() - interval '60 hour' as updated_at, 1 as id

    -- models/bar_should_pass_with_error_config.sql
    select current_timestamp() - interval '36 hour' as updated_at, 1 as id

    -- models/bar_should_pass_with_warn_config.sql
    select current_timestamp() as updated_at, 1 as id

    -- models/bar_should_warn_with_warn_config.sql
    select current_timestamp() - interval '36 hour' as updated_at, 1 as id

    -- models/foo_should_fail.sql
    select current_timestamp() - interval '60 hour' as updated_at, 1 as id

    -- models/foo_should_pass.sql
    select current_timestamp() as updated_at, 1 as id

    -- models/foo_should_warn.sql
    select current_timestamp() - interval '36 hour' as updated_at, 1 as id

    And the associated schema yml file where we will be applying our tests to:

    # models/schemas.yml
    version: 2
    - name: bar_should_fail_with_error_config
    - freshness:
    loaded_at_field: updated_at
    error_after: { count: 48, period: hour }
    - name: bar_should_pass_with_error_config
    - freshness:
    loaded_at_field: updated_at
    error_after: { count: 48, period: hour }
    - name: bar_should_pass_with_warn_config
    - freshness:
    loaded_at_field: updated_at
    warn_after: { count: 12, period: hour }
    - name: bar_should_warn_with_warn_config
    - freshness:
    loaded_at_field: updated_at
    warn_after: { count: 12, period: hour }
    - name: foo_should_fail
    tests: &freshness_tests
    - freshness:
    loaded_at_field: updated_at
    warn_after: { count: 12, period: hour }
    error_after: { count: 48, period: hour }
    - name: foo_should_pass
    tests: *freshness_tests
    - name: foo_should_warn
    tests: *freshness_tests
    > The tests on `foo_` models make use of [yaml anchors]( to copy the test from one model to the next without having to rewrite them.

    If you pay close attention to the above model code + schema yaml test declarations - you'll easily identify which model tests are supposed to result in which test status (fail/warn/pass). For example, the freshness test on the model `bar_should_fail_with_error_config` should error because the `updated_at` column is created with `current_timestamp() - interval '60 hour'` which exceeds the `error_after: { count: 48, period: hour }` config.

    Now, here comes the "magic", the generic test macro itself:

    -- tests/generic/freshness.sql
    {% test freshness(model, loaded_at_field, warn_after=none, error_after=none) %}
    {% if warn_after and error_after %}
    {{ config(warn_if='=1', error_if='=2') }}
    with check_conditions as (
    select count(*) as num_rows, max({{loaded_at_field}}) as last_loaded_at, 'warn' as condition
    from {{ model }}
    where {{ loaded_at_field }} < (current_timestamp() - interval '{{ warn_after.count }} {{ warn_after.period }}')
    select count(*) as num_rows, max({{loaded_at_field}}) as last_loaded_at, 'error' as condition
    from {{ model }}
    where {{ loaded_at_field }} < (current_timestamp() - interval '{{ error_after.count }} {{ error_after.period }}')
    {% elif warn_after %}
    {{ config(warn_if='=1', error_if='=2') }}
    with check_conditions as (
    select count(*) as num_rows, max({{loaded_at_field}}) as last_loaded_at, 'warn' as condition
    from {{ model }}
    where {{ loaded_at_field }} < (current_timestamp() - interval '{{ warn_after.count }} {{ warn_after.period }}')
    {% elif error_after %}
    {{ config(error_if='=1') }}
    with check_conditions as (
    select count(*) as num_rows, max({{loaded_at_field}}) as last_loaded_at, 'error' as condition
    from {{ model }}
    where {{ loaded_at_field }} < (current_timestamp() - interval '{{ error_after.count }} {{ error_after.period }}')
    {% else %}
    {% do exceptions.raise_compiler_error('Freshness test applied to model ' ~ model ~ 'but missing warn_after/error_after configs.') %}
    {% endif %}
    select * from check_conditions
    where num_rows > 0
    {% endtest %}

    The general idea here is that, for test that have both `warn_after` and `error_after` configured, if a timestamp column exceeds the `error_after` config - then it surely should also exceed any `warn_after` configs. This means that:
    * If the test exceeds the `error_after` threshold - our test selection returns 2 rows.
    * If the test exceeds only `warn_after` threshold - our test selection returns 1 row.
    * And 0 rows otherwise.

    Note that we make use of the [`warn_if` / `error_if` test configurations]( as well.

    Let's now build our models and run our tests and see the outcome.

    $ dbt build
    09:59:51 Running with dbt=1.5.8
    09:59:52 Registered adapter: snowflake=1.5.5
    09:59:52 Found 7 models, 7 tests, 0 snapshots, 0 analyses, 326 macros, 0 operations, 0 seed files, 0 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics, 0 groups
    09:59:56 Concurrency: 1 threads (target='sf')
    09:59:56 1 of 14 START sql table model dbt_jyeo.bar_should_fail_with_error_config ....... [RUN]
    09:59:58 1 of 14 OK created sql table model dbt_jyeo.bar_should_fail_with_error_config .. [SUCCESS 1 in 2.50s]
    09:59:58 2 of 14 START sql table model dbt_jyeo.bar_should_pass_with_error_config ....... [RUN]
    10:00:00 2 of 14 OK created sql table model dbt_jyeo.bar_should_pass_with_error_config .. [SUCCESS 1 in 2.00s]
    10:00:00 3 of 14 START sql table model dbt_jyeo.bar_should_pass_with_warn_config ........ [RUN]
    10:00:02 3 of 14 OK created sql table model dbt_jyeo.bar_should_pass_with_warn_config ... [SUCCESS 1 in 1.79s]
    10:00:02 4 of 14 START sql table model dbt_jyeo.bar_should_warn_with_warn_config ........ [RUN]
    10:00:04 4 of 14 OK created sql table model dbt_jyeo.bar_should_warn_with_warn_config ... [SUCCESS 1 in 2.18s]
    10:00:04 5 of 14 START sql table model dbt_jyeo.foo_should_fail ......................... [RUN]
    10:00:06 5 of 14 OK created sql table model dbt_jyeo.foo_should_fail .................... [SUCCESS 1 in 1.88s]
    10:00:06 6 of 14 START sql table model dbt_jyeo.foo_should_pass ......................... [RUN]
    10:00:08 6 of 14 OK created sql table model dbt_jyeo.foo_should_pass .................... [SUCCESS 1 in 2.08s]
    10:00:08 7 of 14 START sql table model dbt_jyeo.foo_should_warn ......................... [RUN]
    10:00:10 7 of 14 OK created sql table model dbt_jyeo.foo_should_warn .................... [SUCCESS 1 in 1.81s]
    10:00:10 8 of 14 START test freshness_bar_should_fail_with_error_config_48__hour__updated_at [RUN]
    10:00:12 8 of 14 FAIL 1 freshness_bar_should_fail_with_error_config_48__hour__updated_at [FAIL 1 in 1.65s]
    10:00:12 9 of 14 START test freshness_bar_should_pass_with_error_config_48__hour__updated_at [RUN]
    10:00:13 9 of 14 PASS freshness_bar_should_pass_with_error_config_48__hour__updated_at .. [PASS in 1.59s]
    10:00:13 10 of 14 START test freshness_bar_should_pass_with_warn_config_updated_at__12__hour [RUN]
    10:00:15 10 of 14 PASS freshness_bar_should_pass_with_warn_config_updated_at__12__hour .. [PASS in 1.45s]
    10:00:15 11 of 14 START test freshness_bar_should_warn_with_warn_config_updated_at__12__hour [RUN]
    10:00:16 11 of 14 WARN 1 freshness_bar_should_warn_with_warn_config_updated_at__12__hour [WARN 1 in 1.56s]
    10:00:16 12 of 14 START test freshness_foo_should_fail_48__hour__updated_at__12__hour ... [RUN]
    10:00:18 12 of 14 FAIL 2 freshness_foo_should_fail_48__hour__updated_at__12__hour ....... [FAIL 2 in 1.51s]
    10:00:18 13 of 14 START test freshness_foo_should_pass_48__hour__updated_at__12__hour ... [RUN]
    10:00:20 13 of 14 PASS freshness_foo_should_pass_48__hour__updated_at__12__hour ......... [PASS in 1.59s]
    10:00:20 14 of 14 START test freshness_foo_should_warn_48__hour__updated_at__12__hour ... [RUN]
    10:00:21 14 of 14 WARN 1 freshness_foo_should_warn_48__hour__updated_at__12__hour ....... [WARN 1 in 1.62s]
    10:00:21 Finished running 7 table models, 7 tests in 0 hours 0 minutes and 28.64 seconds (28.64s).
    10:00:21 Completed with 2 errors and 2 warnings:
    10:00:21 Failure in test freshness_bar_should_fail_with_error_config_48__hour__updated_at (models/schemas.yml)
    10:00:21 Got 1 result, configured to fail if =1
    10:00:21 compiled Code at target/compiled/my_dbt_project/models/schemas.yml/freshness_bar_should_fail_with_186fbb3725139ea8c0ad8614bc48f256.sql
    10:00:21 Failure in test freshness_foo_should_fail_48__hour__updated_at__12__hour (models/schemas.yml)
    10:00:21 Got 2 results, configured to fail if =2
    10:00:21 compiled Code at target/compiled/my_dbt_project/models/schemas.yml/freshness_foo_should_fail_48__hour__updated_at__12__hour.sql
    10:00:21 Warning in test freshness_bar_should_warn_with_warn_config_updated_at__12__hour (models/schemas.yml)
    10:00:21 Got 1 result, configured to warn if =1
    10:00:21 compiled Code at target/compiled/my_dbt_project/models/schemas.yml/freshness_bar_should_warn_with_warn_config_updated_at__12__hour.sql
    10:00:21 Warning in test freshness_foo_should_warn_48__hour__updated_at__12__hour (models/schemas.yml)
    10:00:21 Got 1 result, configured to warn if =1
    10:00:21 compiled Code at target/compiled/my_dbt_project/models/schemas.yml/freshness_foo_should_warn_48__hour__updated_at__12__hour.sql
    10:00:21 Done. PASS=10 WARN=2 ERROR=2 SKIP=0 TOTAL=14
  9. jeremyyeo created this gist Oct 25, 2023.
    58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions
    Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
    @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
    ## Source freshness checking models instead of sources

    dbt has a function to [check the freshness]( (i.e. how up to date) of a particular source. That functionality is reserved exclusively for sources and not models - i.e. if you tried to apply source freshness on a model like you would a source:

    # models/schemas.yml
    version: 2
    - name: foo
    loaded_at_field: updated_at
    error_after: { count: 48, period: hour }

    You will find that neither `dbt source freshness` nor `dbt test` will actually do any "freshness checking" of our `foo` model above. Fortunately, dbt does however does provide the flexibility to an end user to create their own [generic tests]( that they can then apply to models. Let's see if we can create a generic test that closely achieves the outcome of what source freshness checks do.

    Since this is a more advanced topic - there's a couple of key things to understand here.

    > Below, I will be using "fail" and "error" interchangeably. This is opposed to "warn" which is different from "fail"/"error".
    1. By default, a dbt test will result in a fail if the test selection includes at least 1 record.
    2. Also by default, a dbt test will not emit a warning - it is always fail or not fail (i.e. pass).
    3. It is possible to configure the severity of a generic test - such that a test emmits a warning if there are X records and fails / errors if there are Y records (
    4. Critically, it is important to understand that a normal generic test (the built in ones like `not_null`, `unique`, etc or one that a user writes themselves) is testing for the "number of rows" in order to emit a certain severity (fail/warn/pass). This is not the same as for the out of the box source freshness checks where it is not so much concerned with the "number of rows" but rather checking that the max timestamp of a certain column exceeds some error or warning threshold. All this is to say, the code paths that "decides" the status of a generic test is completely different to the code paths that "decides" the status of source freshness check (these are after all, not a "test" but it's completely own thing).
    5. To replicate a source freshness check - our generic test will need to support 3 types of freshness configs:
    * Only `warn_after` is configured.
    * Only `error_after` is configured.
    * Both `warn_after` and `error_after` is configured.

    For the purposes of our replication, we will set it up so that:
    * The model freshness checks will fail if the timestamp exceeds 48 hours.
    * The model freshness checks will warn if the timestamp exceeds 12 hours.
    * The model freshess checks will pass otherwise.

    First, let's setup our dbt project.

    # dbt_project.yml

    name: my_dbt_project
    profile: all
    config-version: 2
    version: "1.0.0"

    +materialized: table
    And these are the 7 models that we will be using to test all our conditions and combinations of conditions:
    -- models/bar_should_fail_with_erro_config.sql
    select current_timestamp() - interval '60 hour' as updated_at, 1 as id
