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Script Templates
// 82-Signals__Singals No Param-SignalTemplate.cs.txt
using Supyrb;
public class #SCRIPTNAME# : Signal
// Override invoke to make sure that the derived signal class shows up in the stacktrace
protected override void Invoke(int index)
//82-Signals__Singals One Param-SignalTemplate.cs.txt
using Supyrb;
public class #SCRIPTNAME# : Signal<T>
// Override invoke to make sure that the derived signal class shows up in the stacktrace
protected override void Invoke(int index)
// 82-Signals__Singals Three Param-SignalTemplate3.cs.txt
using Supyrb;
public class #SCRIPTNAME# : Signal<T, U , V>
// Override invoke to make sure that the derived signal class shows up in the stacktrace
protected override void Invoke(int index)
// 82-Signals__Singals Two Param-SignalTemplate2.cs.txt
using Supyrb;
public class #SCRIPTNAME# : Signal<T,U>
// Override invoke to make sure that the derived signal class shows up in the stacktrace
protected override void Invoke(int index)
// 82-State__New State-StateTemplate.cs.txt
using Bg.UniTaskStateMachine;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
using UnityEngine;
public class #SCRIPTNAME# : BaseStateComponent
public override void Init(BaseNode baseNode)
public override UniTask OnEnter(CancellationToken ct = default)
return base.OnEnter(ct);
public override UniTask OnExit(CancellationToken ct = default)
return base.OnExit(ct);
public override UniTask OnUpdate(CancellationToken ct = default)
return base.OnUpdate(ct);
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